Wednesday, 5 March 2014

10 Home Remedies That Work

Want to calm a cough or prevent a cold? Here are some tips that work

We spend billions every year on over-the-counter health remedies for everything from canker sores to aching muscles, but in some cases there's no need to shell out a lot of money to find relief. All you need to do is check your cupboards for some surprising home remedies.
We spend so much money on medicines and visit to doctor for simple illnesses, Here are few remedies which can lessen your burden on healthcare expenditure

The 10 we picked are cheap, easy to find, and there's actual scientific proof that they work.

1. Honey

Just one spoonful can help quiet a nighttime cough better than over-the-counter cough syrups or suppressants.
Honey coats and soothes an irritated throat to help calm repeated coughing. It is recommended to take two teaspoons . But patients need to be cautious and be sure that their reason for cough is common cold
Also, honey does have a high sugar content, which may be harmful to people with Diabetes

2. Liquid dish soap

If you come into contact with poison ivy or poison oak, washing the affected area with liquid dish soap within two hours of contact may prevent you from getting an itching red rash.

3. Ginger. 

Ginger can help reduce nausea and relieve motion sickness. Take a small piece of ginger few hours before the journey. BEWARE Ginger capsules contains high concentration and may cause stomach problems

A large National Cancer Institute-funded study found that people undergoing chemotherapy who take as little as one-quarter of a teaspoon of ginger daily for three days before chemo cut their nausea by 40 percent.
The study found that a small amount of fresh or powdered ginger worked better than a larger dose, and that ginger taken with anti-vomiting drugs worked better to control nausea than drugs alone.

4. Baby shampoo. 

A half-and-half solution of baby shampoo and warm water is a simple, effective way to clean eyelids that are itchy, red or crusty. The condition could be blepharitis, a common eye problem in older adults. It can cause scaling and crustiness along the base of the eyelashes.
Gently cleaning the eyelid with a baby shampoo wash helps get rid of oil and bacteria but won't sting your eyes.

Try diluting a little baby shampoo with an equal amount of water twice a day, then gently rubbing the mixture with clean fingertips on the closed eyelid and along the eyelashes for one minute. Rinse well with water.

5. Menthol rub. 

Applying mentholated ointments such as strong-smelling Vicks VapoRub has been shown to be a safe, cost-effective treatment for toenail fungus, often more effective than over-the-counter products.

6. Tart cherry juice. 

 Drinking tart cherry juice can help prevent gout attacks, relieve muscle soreness after exercise, and possibly help with arthritis pain because of its natural anti-inflammatory properties.
The juice seems to reduce the joint inflammation that gout causes. It is recommended to take a tablespoon of tart cherry juice concentrate twice a day 
Other studies have shown that drinking tart cherry juice daily helps runners reduce muscle soreness and reduces inflammation in overweight patients.
Tart cherry juice is also rich in anti oxidants

7. Witch hazel. 

Witch hazel is derived from the leaves and twigs of a flowering shrub.
The refined extract has been used as an astringent to help tighten the skin and relieve inflammation.
It is the main ingredient in commercial hemorrhoid pads, used to relieve mild itching and irritation, but you can do the same at home with pads you moisten with witch hazel. For even more relief, use chilled witch hazel.

8. Water. 

 Daily gargling with plain tap water can help cut the number of colds and respiratory infections you get, as well as relieve symptoms if you're already sick.
Gargling, whether with salt water or water with lemon and honey, as a safe, effective way to soothe and cleanse a sore throat.
It is the salt in the water also draws out excess fluid from the throat's inflamed tissues, "and warm water may help cleanse them a bit better."

9. Milk of magnesia. 

Dabbing this milky liquid on mouth ulcers can temporarily soothe their pain. Milk of magnesia won't heal the sores, but it does give relief from the symptoms, till the body heals the

10. Cranberries. 

Drinking cranberry juice daily won't cure them, but it can help prevent them.
Unlike antibiotics, which kill bacteria, cranberries keep bacteria from attaching to the bladder walls.
But beware! It is not recommended if you are on any blood thinning medications such as aspirin, warfarin or heparin.

Since certain home remedies can interact with prescription medications, check with your doctor before trying something new.

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