Friday, 3 July 2015

Skipping breakfast, A Bad Food Idea for diabetics

Diabetes patients, who tend to skip their breakfast, face risk of dangerous blood sugar spikes, and lose their sugar control . 

Researchers have found, fasting until noon triggers major blood sugar spikes (postprandial hyperglycemia) and impairs the insulin responses of type-2 diabetics throughout the rest of the day .

According to researchers, pancreatic beta cells, which produce insulin lose their memory due to the prolonged period between dinner and the next day's lunch. In other words, they forget their vital role. Therefore, it took additional time after lunch for the beta cells to recover, causing small and delayed insulin responses and resulting in an exaggerated elevation of blood glucose levels throughout the day .

Another factor is that fasting until lunch increases fatty acids in our blood, which renders insulin ineffective in reducing blood glucose levels.

High blood sugar peaks are also linked to earlier development of heart disease complications

In a study, the researchers found that people with type 2 diabetes who ate a big breakfast and a light dinner had blood sugar levels that were 20 percent lower than people who had a small breakfast and big dinner.

Some Myths about Diabetes Control:

One Important factor for unstable blood sugar is that people have a misconception that if they can skip the meal, they can combat diabetes.
  • This is a Completely wrong concept and it could lead to serious consequences if continued.
People think, One can skip their anti diabetic drugs since they skipped their meal. 
  • Skipping a meal does more harm to a Diabetic than to a normal person and avoiding the anti-Diabetic drugs further deteriorates the condition

So, Next time your friend says some weird technique to control Blood sugar naturally, do some surging and get an idea about it before practicing it.

And, Don't skip your BreakFast.

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