Monday, 30 November 2015

Sprint yourself to become your fitness model

Sprinting is one of the best  workouts you do and popular even among celebrities. It can help you build your legs and abs, burn fat and more.

How many times have we seen a track meet where there were sprinters competing and we were amazed on how sculpted their legs and abs were. Well this doesn't happen by just waking up and stepping on a track. The reason behind this is the incredible training that is involved in becoming a proficient sprinter.

The specific body parts that sprinting targets are the butt, hips, hamstrings, quads, calves and abs. It is a complete body workout and can be done outside the gym in any local park or track.

Sprint intervals are used by athletes to get into peak shape for races and team sports. Unlike long duration training, sprint intervals require you to use maximum effort. If you are trying to lose weight and have a busy schedule, you can get a great workout in a short amount of time.

Sprinting is great for fat loss and it increases your metabolic rate for several days. It is an exercise that can be done by men or women. 
In fact, many fitness and figure competitors incorporate sprinting in their training because of how positive the results are in building a lean long lengthening muscle.

Let's be honest with ourselves, we all get bored sometimes and going to the gym every day and lifting the same weights and doing the same exercises is no different.

The day you get bored and feel your workout is too monotonous is probably the day you need to change things up. The best way to change your workout is to try sprinting and see if this change can help you.

1: Stretch 

Stretch your muscles dynamically before starting your workout. Dynamic stretches are performed in motion and they will help get your joints and muscles acclimated for the movement they are going to be doing.

2:Jog Around
Next, you may want to jog a lap around the track to get your legs and body warmed up. After doing that you want to make sure you've stretched those quads and hamstrings before sprinting.
If you fail to stretch those specific areas you definitely can be susceptible to injury because of the high impact of the training. After 10 minutes of stretching you should be warmed up to start your workout.

3:Position Yourself:

Utilize proper form when running. Lean forward slightly and push forcefully off the ground with the balls of your feet. Keep your elbows flexed 90 degrees throughout and do not tense your arms. Let them swing freely from your shoulders and keep them close to your body.

4: Run your intervals. Mark off a distance where you are running that is 40 to 50 yards long. After doing your warm-up, come to this location and sprint as hard as you can for the whole distance. Jog back to your starting point and sprint again. Repeat this sequence five to six times.

For beginners, it is advisable to start sprinting at 50% speed until you feel comfortable and gradually increase your speed after every sprint. A typical sprinting workout that any average person should be able to do is 6-10 100-meter dashes. Each 100-meter dash can be done at any speed.

After this workout your legs will be incredibly pumped and your abs will feel worked
Remember that every time you lift you lift your leg in the air. When you're sprinting you also work your abs.

Wear a stop watch and time your sprints for a variation. Do your warm-up, sprint for 20 to 30 seconds and stop completely. Rest for a duration twice as long as your sprint.

A world-class sprinter covers 100 meters in about 44 to 47 steps and the average person would probably cover that distance in about 57 to 60 steps. So think about this: you've just worked your abs in one 100 meter sprint 57 to 60 times.

That's incredible since most people don't do that many sit-ups in one set or even an entire workout. You should be able to finish this sprinting workout in about 30 to 40 minutes.

Sunday, 29 November 2015

10 Tips to Beat the Cold

So, you’re down for the count. You have body aches, the chills, an achy head, a runny nose, and a fever.
We’ve all had it at least once. And many of us get sick with it on a regular basis, even if we do get a flu shot and take multivitamins on a regular basis.
The good news is that there are plenty of at-home flu remedies you can try before hitting the doctor’s office.

1. Think Steam
When you have a cold or the flu, steam is your friend because it helps open your airways
You can loosen up your stuffy nose if you breathe in some steam.
Boil water and pour it in a large bowl containing at least two teaspoons of shaved ginger. Drape a towel over your head, lower it until you’re right over the bowl, and breathe in the gingered steam.
You can also do this with Vick’s Vapor Rub. Simply drop a heaping spoonful of the balm into the boiling water and stir it until it dissolves. Again, breathe in the steam.