Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Combat Backpain

Low Back ache

Back pain is one of the most common problems people face these days. It is commonly a message your body says to you, indicating you are becoming Lazy. Here is how you can avoid having a back pain.

Correct your posture
Crouching or bending forward on your chair or any unusual position is something which should be avoided. Sit straight, move often and keep your shoulders upright. A correct posture is something that can help immensely. Even Spider-man can get it if he continues to sleep cramped up without fighting crimes.

Loosen up the muscles
Back pain can result from stiff muscles. Loosen them by lying flat on your back and stretching each knee with respective hands towards your chest. Stretching the legs help in loosening up the muscles and help in the back pain.

Also, Lie on your stomach and try to lift both your lower limbs without bending your knees as much as possible.

Follow the below Excercise to get relief from Back pain